The smallest of the inhabited islands in the Austral archipelago, Rimatara surprises with the charm and beauty of its landscapes and the authenticity of encount...
Forty years ago, in October 1978, Jacques Brel passed away. A great name in French music, a film actor and director, he had chosen to retire to the Marquesas, w...
Anaa has taken up the development challenge, launching an eco-tourism pilot project that stems from atoll’s history and lagoon. An experience of complete immers...
Photography: Teiki Dev
Art direction and Make-up: Meryl Rouger
Hair: Hiti Teihotaata (Unik’Hair)
Models: Vaimiti Teiefitu, Miss Tahiti 2015 & Charlot...
In just over eight years and three albums, Ben l'Oncle Soul and his sunny voice have brought a breath of fresh air and soulful rhythm to the French music sc...
Scattered across the globe, Polynesian works of art showcase our culture and allow it to reach far beyond our islands. We offer you the chance to discover t...
Fire dance is an art in its own right that has evolved tremendously over last decades. From the traditional custom performed during ritual ceremonies to the...
As we celebrated the 250 years since the arrival of the French navigator, Bougainville, in Tahiti this year, there is also another first that should not be ...
An internationally renowned scientist, researcher and professor, Bernard Salvat has dedicated his life to studying coral reefs and their conservation. In 19...
Welcome Tahiti auteur du magazine Welcome Tahiti à l'affut des actualités et des événements Polynésiens de Tahiti et ses îles, passionné par la culture Polynésiennes et par ses habitants