An internationally renowned scientist, researcher and professor, Bernard Salvat has dedicated his life to studying coral reefs and their conservation. In 19...
The expansive Papenoo valley, on Tahiti’s East coast, is scattered with hiking trails that pass through a rich archeological and cultural history as well as...
We will explore the valley jungles, more typical of the terrain encountered on Polynesian hikes. What could be more natural than to choose one of the most str...
Born in Toulon, the sunniest town in France, on the Mediterranean coast, photograher Benjamin Thouard has explored his passion for the ocean and surfing, sinc...
Magnificent, unsettling, impressive, breathtaking… Such are the adjectives that come to mind when you cross paths with The Manta Rays under water. But this gi...
On July the 9th, 2017, UNESCO officially announced that the marae Taputapuātea on the island of Raiatea was accepted onto the World Heritage List. An honor ...
Visitors to French Polynesia are invariably impressed by the majestic silhouette of the breadfruit tree (called tumu’uru in Tahitian) and its big orb-like fru...
French Polynesia has five archipelagoes. Each one has its own language, topography and particularities as well as its own name. However…when, how and why did ...
French Polynesia has five archipelagoes. Each one has its own language, topography and particularities as well as its own name. However…when, how and why were...
Within a global context , mankind has irrevocably destroyed 20% the coral reefs over the past fifty years and 50% of the reefs are at risk within the next 20 ...