During June and July the rhythm of the heiva festival vibrates throughout French Polynesia; Tahitian dancing ('ori Tahiti) is at center stage. This art form i...
Born in Tahiti, Carole & Florent ATEM are two young performers whose achievements so far have already made pretty well-known on the Tahitian music scene. ...
“Iaorana, welcome to the island of Tahiti, feel great vibes in Tahiti!” It is hard to miss this lyric. The creator of the success of “Iaorana” is Tahitian music...
Three musicians are behind the creation of the Manahune band : Aldo Raveino on vocals and guitar, Henry Cowan on drums and Daniel Galinié on bass. The band de...
Sabrina Laughlin is one of the most famous singers in Polynesia. Very attached to her ground and to this culture, she shares her love of « Fenua » in this son...
The rock band Tikahiri, native of the Fakarava atoll, presents its Polynesia through the tattoo and the Polynesian musical landscape in a style "Gothique Paum...
Pepena is Marquesan for “creation or reinterpretation.”
This acoustic band, created in 2010 by four young Polynesians with a passion for music, skillfully m...